Teatro Politico / Political Theatre

Teatro politico si svolge in un piccolo paese delle aree interne e nasce dall’esigenza di tornare a parlare della cosa pubblica con attori territoriali e giornalisti e politici di livello nazionale.
Political theater takes place in a small country of the interior areas and arises from the need to return to talk about public affairs with territorial actors and journalists and politicians at the national level.
Political theater takes place in a small country of the interior areas and arises from the need to return to talk about public affairs with territorial actors and journalists and politicians at the national level.

Il progetto Sacro è un ramo della ricerca del Teatro Rigodon, denominata Biografia di un Territorio.
Si tratta di un progetto itinerante e si incentra su una caratteristica fondamentale dell’identità della Provincia reatina, la sua vocazione al sacro, la vallata reatina è nota anche come Valle Santa.
The Sacro project is a branch of the research of the Teatro Rigodon, called Biography of a Territory. It is an itinerant project and focuses on a fundamental characteristic of the identity of the Province of Rieti, its vocation for the sacred, the valley of Rieti is also known as the Sacred Valley.
The Sacro project is a branch of the research of the Teatro Rigodon, called Biography of a Territory. It is an itinerant project and focuses on a fundamental characteristic of the identity of the Province of Rieti, its vocation for the sacred, the valley of Rieti is also known as the Sacred Valley.
La Montagna Incantata / The Enchanted Mountain

La rassegna progettuale che ha sede nel centro abitato del comprensorio sciistico del Terminillo, comprende vari tipi di laboratori, di spettacoli, di musica e, installazioni.
The review project that is based in the center of the ski resort of Terminillo, includes various types of workshops, performances, music and installations.
The review project that is based in the center of the ski resort of Terminillo, includes various types of workshops, performances, music and installations.

Dove Siamo
Largo San Giorgio, 12
02100 Rieti
02100 Rieti
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